Romantic Treelined Wedding at The 1909 // Melissa and Lawrence

Topanga Canyon, CA

The 1909 Wedding by A+M Badillo Images. The 1909 Wedding. The 1909 Wedding Photographer. Malibu Wedding. Malibu wedding photographer. Los angeles wedding photographer. Pasadena wedding photographer. Inland empire wedding. inland empire wedding photog

I remember this October 2020 season like it was just yesterday. We had 4 weddings and 1 grad session back to back on the week of October 18. Out of the 4 weddings, 2 of them had their original venue back out less than 2 weeks before their wedding day. As if planning a wedding wasn’t stressful enough, try planning a wedding during the pandemic.

But with all the craziness, came this wonderful and magical day! The 1909 was the perfect venue for Melissa and Lawrence. The trees surrounding this canyon venue just emanated and elevated all the love that everyone brought to celebrate this couple. We seriously get all the feels every time we look at this wedding!