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Knapps Castle & Loon Point Beach Engagement // Melina + Ashot

Beach and Knapps Ruins Sunset Engagement
Santa Barbara, CA

I’m not gonna try to sugar-coat this, I definitely take a lot of credit in how Melina and Ashot met. Some background for you guys: Melina and I went to film school together and were admitted in the same semester, meaning that we would be doing our senior thesis at the same time and that all of our classes will align. Melina is a ball of sunshine and energy. The first time I met here was in our Film Production class. Our professor asked us how we wanted to rate our classroom etiquette, whether it would be an R-rated class (meaning swearing is fine and no one takes offense) or keep it PG. Melina immediately raised her hand and said something in the lines of, “I would like to make films in this class in PG because I want to show it to my kids in the future.” Everyone tried to explain what our professor meant, and pretty much fell in love with her personality. Somehow with a strike of good luck, we became great friends. She would drive me around Los Angeles, the map embedded in her head, and we would eat in new places and watch independent films at the NoHo Laemmles. If you ask her today what movie we liked the best, I’m sure her answer would be “Wiener Dog.” It’s a great movie, y’all should watch it ;)

So senior year of college comes and she told our group of friends that she’s ready to find love and was thinking of creating an online dating profile. The year went by and she still hasn’t created anything. Finally, one night, I asked a couple friends to come over for a game of Catan and after a victorious round, I told them I was planning on creating a profile for Melina to inspire her to finally make one. Naturally we all gathered around my laptop and started writing everything we knew about her. Once it was done, we sent her an email with her new account. She thought it was hilarious and soon enough, she made a more serious profile on eharmony and used some of our well-thought descriptions!

Guess what happened next? Enter Ashot.

Ashot complemented Melina so much. It’s crazy how you want the best for a friend and then their partner comes along and you hope he’s worthy enough of her, and then BAM, you see that they’re such a match made in heaven. When her engagement session came, I knew it had to be in locations that reflected them and I knew it had to be somewhere that screamed adventure. That’s exactly what this whole session was. A trip to a favorite beach close to Santa Barbara, delicious Thai food, and some phenomenal views and magical light in the mountains. Add some good friends in a car and the time just flew by.